who we are

a literary culture is any community in which the written and spoken word is recognized for its transformative power.

we are that community.

sure, we like literature. but we also like poetry. and music. and dance. and art. and photography. we like it all, and here we can talk about it all. here, (almost) anything goes.


BLS/TCU is Off and Running

The first meeting of the BLS / Texas Creative Underground is behind us, and, damn, but it went well. We have a lot of cool things on the table for the coming year (the next issue of eleven40seven, the next Collaborative Event, more blogging, more promotion, more hostile takeovers of various creative endeavors around campus). It's gonna be sweet.

Our next meeting will be on Thursday, September 17th @ 6:30, again in the New Media Writing Studio (Rickel 38). If you came for the first meeting, come back and bring 2 friends. If you weren't able to make the first meeting, you're forgiven. Come next time (and bring 2 friends).

Questions? Hit us up at eleven40seven@gmail.com.